Monday, April 23, 2007

"Deliverance" or "Exorcism"?

A frequent question concerns two words commonly used to describe the expulsion of evil spirits. "Is there any difference between a "deliverance" and an "exorcism"?

In everyday usage, the terms have mostly become synonymous and interchangeable. Both describe the casting out of demons through faith in Jesus Christ.

However, some see a distinction in "exorcism" representing a more formal, liturgical rite, such as the Roman Catholic ritual of exorcism, where written prayers, commands, symbols, etc., are used in prescribed order. In this view, "deliverance" represents a contrasting informal, freeflow meeting where the spontaneous leadership of the Holy Spirit is sought and followed. In American practice, the latter scenario portrays the overwhelming majority of actual cases.

But there is another possible distinction between the two terms.

"Exorcism" is what the ministering team does to demons. They exorcise (cast out) evil spirits by the superior power of Christ.

"Deliverance" is what the ministering team does for an afflicted person. The team partners with Christ in setting a captive free. The word offers a softer, gentler feel, not for what happens to demons, but for what happens to the recipient of ministry. Variants of "deliver" are frequent in scripture, i.e., "deliver us from evil."


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Barbara said...

we are so pleased to learn about what you do.we thought Bob larson was theonly one that we could turn to. I was saddend to learn that a poor person in need Bob would not help. you only ask what one can afford. you are so blessed and your heart is in the right place. GOD BLESS YOU ALL>

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Aurelia said...

Hi, Dr. Connor, I have been trying to reach you. Has your email changed? I tried sending you email on the Juno account. It came back. What is the right email address? I need some advice about Nazi cults. Thanks, Aurelia

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to know if it is safe to watch the videos over at youtube regarding exorcism. Im seeing still images that it's actuallly a live feed. i havent played them. There are from fox news, ABC and another one im not quite sure but it involves deliverance ministers

I am a bit scared to view these things.are they safe?

what do i do? do i pray first before viewing? what do i pray?


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